22 December 2009

o no, no o!

I won't argue that a new GM will undoubtedly help the turmoiled Redskins, but perhaps this loyal fan should have revised his sign to be more pertinent to last night's game:
A New O-line

Last night, the 'Skins O-line was like a broken condom: no protection.

21 December 2009

"crippling" snowstorm

You know it's bad when the meteorologist uses the word "crippling".
~ NBC4 website, 18 December 2009



Whatever you want to call it, the DC area got smacked with a buttload of snow. My brother had about 13" of snowfall at 1 pm CST on Saturday, with a total upwards of 20" of the weather-created white stuff. The area hasn't seen a snowstorm, or blizzard if you will, the like of this in over a decade.

If the picture of my brother's deck is any indication, it looks like it'll be around for a while. I just hope they don't lose Liam in it.

16 December 2009

it's a two-way street...really...

For the most part, I would say I'm not a self-centered person. Sure I have moments like just about eveyone else where I think the world should revolve around me. The harsh reality is that is doesn't, but one should be allowed a little undivided attention now and then.

And thus comes the rant that will be this post....

I had some spare time at work so I returned a phone call to a friend with whom I'd been playing phone tag. Greetings and saluations were made, as were a brief synopsis of our Thanksgiving holidays. All fine and good. This friend tells me about the health scare her sister had (in greater detail than I really wanted), but in the end, it ended up being something minor. Again, no problem. Then I start to tell her about my sister-in-law's knee issue and how I hope it's not serious; she takes this opportunity not only to check her work e-mail, but proceeds to talk about it while I'm in the middle of my story. Ugh.

I understand that we're all busy as I too have checked work e-mails (or multi-tasked in various ways) while chatting on the phone with friends. It's the way our society has gone. If someone has come into my office or I receive an e-mail that requires immediate attention, I'd like to think I use common courtesy and say "Hey, I gotta go. Someone's in my office (or I have to take care of something now). Call you later."

Other friends have done this, especially my sister-friend with kids. Inevitably, one kid will want something or one will start beating up the other. In instances like this, I would hope one would give attention to that situation. Thus, I am not offended at all, especially since she's nice about it. Things happen. It's called life.

But not this friend of whom I speak. She proceeded to tell me about the e-mail, how she was going to response and how it would affect the rest of her day. Keep in mind, I never got the opportunity to finish my sister-in-law story - or tell her about anything else for that matter. If she had said, "Bec, I have to respond to this ASAP. I'll call you back.", I would have no problem with that, as I have done that to her before.

Not only is the apparent lack of common courtesy evident, I'm unsure if she is oblivious to it or if she just doesn't care about what is going on outside her world (I'd like to think it's the former). I don't get to talk to or see her often, as our schedules haven't meshed well, but it's not for lack of effort on my end. Therefore, phone convos have been the main line no pun intended) of communication. And honestly, it appears that this mode is no longer effective either.

As we all know, communication (amongst other things) in relationships are a two-way street. I'll be honest; I haven't made the effort to call this friend. Maybe it's because I have a need for attention at that point (oops, self-centered moment) and a chat with a friend fulfills that need.Perhaps it's because I enjoy talking with someone rather that have them only want to talk about themselves. Or it could that we're at different points in our lives and it's reflected in our communication (or lack thereof).

The question is: where do I go from here?

14 December 2009

out of touch, out of mind?

I am compelled to write this, even though I realize it might cause more harm than good. Yet I cannot sit idly by and keep it all inside. I need to get it out in the open if for any other reason but my sanity.

I feel extremely out of touch with the Kiwanis family, especially those I served with while CKI Administrator. I do realize it is partially my fault, as I have dealt with the following in the past year:
  • residual fallout stemming from the divorce (apparently it likes to linger)
  • an accident leading to hand-surgery at the end of May
  • having to put Lily down due to an intestial blockage in June
  • moving during the summer
  • and the on-going saga with my parentals

This is not meant to be a sob story as I’m not asking anyone to feel sorry for me. Nor is it a way to minimize issues/problems of others as I know everyone has a lot of things on their plates. I do understand that this does not excuse me being out of touch, but it does explain the why.

However, communication is a two-way street. It hurts that many people (minus about 8-10) whom I served with and thought were my friends didn’t even drop a note to say hi. Event invitations (i.e. dinners, b-day celebrations, district events) have fallen by the wayside. I wish I knew why this was the case.

I know the end of my term as CKI Administrator came at a less-than-perfect time and less than ideal circumstances. I’m happy to know that the district is in good hands, as that was my greatest concern. Yet I feel that since I am no longer Administrator, I am no longer worthy of being included. This might be extreme, but that’s how I feel. Regardless, it hurts any way you want to define it.

But why bring this up now? It's been eight months now, and I was hoping my attitude about the Kiwanis family would change. Sadly, it hasn't. I might even be a bit jaded. It’s hard to think that an organization that meant so much to me just doesn’t anymore.

01 December 2009

facebook folly?

Just out of curiousity, I checked out the We're not Crazy, We're just Catholics facebook groups as one of my friends had recently joined AND I was raised Catholic. Yes, I chuckled at some of the statements.

Then I looked at the advert on the page; a Give A Gift of a gay pride button. Um, last I checked the Catholic Church was not one of the most gay-friendly religions. Yes, I chuckled again.

Apparently these adverts are indeed random.