30 July 2012

2011 birthday wishes (in review)

In a few short days, my (undisclosed age here) "year" will come to an end. It's been an interesting year to say the least, and despite that, I think I actually achieved some things on this list.  Yes, you should be as shocked as I am...

2011 Birthday Wishes (original):
  • procure a MacBook (fail) - I could get a red Dell.  or a pink one. or design my own. yes, I think I've given up on this. 
  • amp up physical activity (success) - the bike still needs a tune-up. however, I have been walking/jogging with the Badgerland Striders and I did join a gym...with a pool!  that'll be useful for the possible return to "death by tri".  otherwise, I'll just try to emulate Dana Vollmer (USA, WR holder in the 100m fly)
  • try to eat better (even) - I'm blaming beer, and those damn cheese balls.
  • attempt to be culinary (success) - people have actually asked me for recipes.  I don't know how the hell that happened.
  • embrace my curls (even) - I straightened it today as I renewed my DL (it should have been a curly day).  I've gotten WAY better, yet not a full embrace yet.
  • beat my brother in "Words with Friends" (success) - 13 August bitches!  I don't think my bro plays this anymore but I still won a game, dammit!
  • travel somewhere besides DC & Chicago (success) - I'm calling this a success loosely.  I did go to St. Louis and Ohio...not exotic but elsewhere none the less.
  • see Wisco Gov. Scott Walker get recalled (fail) - I voted to get the douche out of office! but damn that "instilling the fear of God in people" campaign tactic.
  • increase social media knowledge (even) - a few weeks ago, this would have been a success, then I went to a SoLoMo seminar, and I don't know jack. sadly, I do know more than the average person despite not knowing jack
  • engage in artistic endeavors (success) - I've painted wine bottles, taken artsy photos (soon coming to a canvas near you)...looking to do more.
  • continue to promote rjl creative (even)still promoting and the HAHS annual fundraiser logo was pretty cool. but beyond that not much.
  • become involved with APBT & AmStaff dog rescue/advocacy (fail) Caye is a great ambassdog and speaks for the breed beautifully. still. must.go.to.an.event.
  • that my mom wins her battle with pancreatic cancer (success) - well, I can't really do a success/fail on this in the truest form, but I'll call it success. she hasn't beaten it yet, but the tumor has shrunk by 50% and chemo is down to every other week. go Mom!
Real exciting, I know.  Stay tuned, the 2012 "wishes" will be up in a few days....

03 July 2012


I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced awkward intimate situation that people like to call dating. 

I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there you're wondering "Do I have food on my face? Am I eating? Am I talking too much? Are they talking enough? Am I interested? I'm not really interested. Should I play like I'm interested? But I'm not that interested, but I think she might be interested. But do I want to be interested, but now she's not interested, so now all of a sudden I'm getting--I'm started to get interested." 

And when is he supposed to kiss me? Do I have to wait for the door 'cause then it's awkward? Or should I just kiss him? It's like, well, "Goodnight. Do you do like the ass-out hug? Where you like, you hug each other like this and the ass sticks out because you're trying not to get too close or just go right in and kiss them on the lips or don't kiss them at all?" 

It's very difficult trying to read the situation.