11 April 2011

Easter on the fb

Oh social media, what hath thee bestowed upon us now? 

This is the current "facebook challenge" going around:
During this couple of weeks before Easter, I am out to prove that my friends will repost, I hope I am right!!! Easter is not about bunnies and chocolate eggs. Let's lift up God's name and make a statement!! When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of You and Me. If you are not ashamed to call Jesus Christ your savior, copy and repost. I'm not ashamed.

I call myself spiritual.  Raised Catholic, but currently don't follow a specific religion and I honestly don't foresee that changing in the near future.  And if I do, I definitely won't be Catholicism.  In some capacity, religion does some for some people (i.e. sense of community, feeling of belonging, prescribing to a common belief) - I'm just not one of them.  However, I do realize that I have friends and family who prescribe to religion and it is a large part of their lives.  While I may not necessarily agree with their beliefs, it's their prerogative so long as they don't try to shove their beliefs down my throat.

That being said, I find this facebook challenge well, uncomfortable.  I always felt religion was a personal thing that was better kept private and not proclaimed from the rooftops - or interwebs.  That's what irks me about this whole "challenge".  Plus, if someone was to post that "Easter is about chocolate bunnies and chocolate eggs" I shudder to think about the wrath they would receive from "believers".  Because let's face it, in our society we question non-religious people in their beliefs as if they are deficient in some capacity but it's perfectly acceptable to have "Bible-thumpers" shouting scripture from every place imaginable (whilst picking and choosing what verses to adhere to and what not to).  That's wrong.  Everyone is entitled to his/her beliefs - and not shoving those beliefs down someone else's throat.  Period.

Besides, Easter is really about Peeps and Cadbury Creme Eggs.

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