24 April 2012

can we go back to the old way?

Whatever happened to the good old days where you met a significant other through friends or common activities?  I think I want those back...

Let's face it.  I'm a social person.  I like meeting people...in person.  The interwebs are a great tool and all, but nothing really beats meeting someone in person and striking up a conversation (in my opinion anyway). I get the whole notion that online dating sites allow you to "weed out" people - or in my case, find out how bad your grammar really is or your propensity to use texting talk (read: how r u?) in a message.  Ok, to be honest, I hate texting talk (even whilst texting) but for a text, it is what it is. But really, you can only hide behind the mask of technology for so long...

That being said, I have met a few people I've conversed with online.  It's been fun and interesting...to say the least.  A majority of the guys have been recently divorced after 10+ years of marriage and are looking to get back in the dating scene.  That is respectable.  They have been decent conversationalists and overall cordial.  With one I ever had a conversation about the whole Tebow trade (only I could work Tebow into a date...geesh).  

However, I have noticed a couple commonalities with the guys I've met:
They all hunt in some capacity.  Again....why???  It's a horrible assumption that a female who likes sports is ok with hunting - which I don't view as a sport, I view it as killing an animal  (but I've blogged about this at length already). But I'll talk your ear off about sports, especially NHL at this moment. And oddly, being a Cubs fan is not a deterrent.(and a side note: not a lot of NHL fans out there)
They all seem extremely bitter about the demise of their marriage and divorce. Having been there, it's not a pleasant experience. And I get there are issues (personal and otherwise) one must work through after any relationship break-up. But bringing up these issues during an initial date? Really?

So back to searching for "other fish in the online sea", unless I meet someone the old-fashioned way.  

Who knew this modern woman would long for something nostalgic and traditional?

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