13 August 2009

east side special

Mid-August in Milwaukee is known for many things. IrishFest at Summerfest grounds. Chocolate-covered bacon at State Fair. Scrambling to make the most out of those last summer weekends.

And lastly, the east side of Milwaukee transforming into garbage dumps.

This is a tradition much unlike any other. Seeing that this area of Milwaukee is highly populated with college students, it's safe to say most leases run August-July or something similar. This also begins a coexisting tradition called "moving". As a result, between 1-15 August, materials magically appear on the sidewalks (sometimes overflowing into the streets) - just about the time most leases expire. This also explains the increased presence of a vehicle known as a U-Haul.

Now I understand that some of this furniture is Wal-Mart quality and probably can be tossed, as actually moving it to a new place would a pain in the ass and it's easier to buy something new (and maybe upgrade to Target quality in the process). Some of it really is trash, i.e. cardboard boxes; that couch that has numerous stains from beer, pizza, puke...well, you get the point. Some abandoned articles make you wonder; for example, how on earth did that toilet split in half like that?

However, not all of it is trash. Once in a while you can find a diamond in the rough. One year a loveseat and bookcase were among my "east side specials".

Although I'd be weary of getting any sofas or loveseats this year. I think my dog has peed on most of them.

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