30 March 2010

chew on this chuckie...

I don't normally listen to Charlie Sykes on AM620-WTMJ. He's way to Republican-happy, Democrat-bashing for my tastes...and I can handle a bit 'o bashing.

However, today I just so happened to get into my car to hear Sykes state "All politicians lie." This had to be the most intelligent thing I'd heard from him. Wait for it... Then he decided to continue blabbering and ONLY name Democrats (read: President Obama) who lie and using low-ball tactics to get elected, thus leading to unfulfilled campaign promises.

Excuse me? Only Democrats lie to get elected? And what about Karl "Low-Ball Tactics" Rove? Didn't we have eight years of unfulfillment?

It should be obvious by now that I'm a Democrat and a relatively liberal one at that. And it really grinds my gears (thank you Peter Griffith) that people - especially conservatives - haven't even given Obama a chance to succeed, let alone fulfill any campaign promise. Obama still has three years to fulfill his campaign promises while "W" somehow managed not to fulfill promises over eight years.

Here are just a few examples of broken promises by the GOP:
  • Promise: Make health insurance affordable for hard-working, low-income families. In 2000, 43 million Americans were without health insurance. Reality: Ten years later, 46 millions are without health insurance. Premiums have increased by 12.5%. Do the math. More people are currently uninsured and it's less affordable.
  • Promise: Fully-fund the Pell grant program for first-year students with a maximum amount of $5100. Reality: The Pell grant amount was frozen at $4050 for three consecutive years. That's about $1050 short of $5100.
  • Promise: Income tax cuts will benefit all Americans, especially moderate and low income families. Reality: The top 20% of earners received 70% of the tax cuts. This must be some new math I'm unaware of.
  • Promise: The debt will be paid down to a historically low level. Reality: At the end of his term, the national debt was a record high of $7.3 trillion. This really needs no explanation.

And W couldn't even fulfill his promises with a Republican Congress.

Chew on that Chuckie.

information taken from Bush-Cheney website, CBS, Center for Policy & Budget Priorities, Census Bureau and USA Today

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