02 May 2012

nine months (no...not that!)

It's that time again...time for the quarterly re-visit of my 2011 Birthday Wishes (and I've even hit the date spot on!).  Besides, I know y'all are anxiously awaiting the update (ha ha...yeah right...)

2011 Birthday Wishes (original):
  • procure a MacBook - maybe I should just give up on this one and buy a new Dell (even though I really want a MacBook) - the Dell is cheaper and has the same crap. 
  • amp up physical activity - well, I've done a couple yoga classes and have procured a bicycle (now just to get it a tune-up and new tires).  I've done two walk/runs for charity, with a third one on 2 June.plus, I think I'm doing "death by tri" this year. and I may have been talked into doing something crazy in Vegas in December.
  • try to eat better - this would be easier without the invention of cheese balls.
  • attempt to be culinary - I have more than attempted...I have succeeded! from greek pasta to chicken/broccoli/cheese casserole, I have done it.  and it's been pretty darn tasty! (and surprisingly healthy)
  • embrace my curls - hmmm, my hair is currently staging a coup and wants to be straight. that's ok, once the humidity kicks up the curls will be back as they are today.  the biggest dilemma is what color to dye it.
  • beat my brother in "Words with Friends" - 13 August bitches!  I don't think my bro plays this anymore - something about caring for a four and two year old - but I still won a game, dammit!
  • travel somewhere besides DC & Chicago - I went to St. Louis in March! oh yeah, Madison & Chicago...again.  rumor has it I may be in Ohio in May...
  • see Wisco Gov. Scott Walker get recalled - recall primary 8 May, recall election 5 June...let's get the douchebag out of office!
  • increase social media knowledge - I continue to read up on trends and increase my employers presence on the interwebs.  go me.
  • engage in artistic endeavors - I've painted a couple wine bottles...here's one of them. and I think I might put some of my photos on canvas. and maybe stop taking pics of my pup, but he's so dang cute.
  • continue to promote rjl creative -  still promoting.  did get a freelance job for an insurance agency. but even cooler, I've designed the logo/collaterals for the HAHS annual fundraiser.
  • become involved with APBT & AmStaff dog rescue/advocacy -  Caye is a great ambassdog and speaks for the breed beautifully. still. must.go.to.an.event.
  • that my mom wins her battle with pancreatic cancer - she is responding to chemo well and continues to be in good spirits.  if anyone wonders where I get my strength and resiliency from, it's from mom. and I wouldn't trade that for the world. this is also the third charity walk, but the only one for which I'm accepting donations. (shameless plug, I know.  I don't care either...it's a good cause).

1 comment:

  1. rjl creative ROCKS! We love it <3 and the ponies would too, if they didn't think the paper was going to EATMEOMGGETITAWAYFROMMEEEEE!!!!

    ahem . . . .thanks bec.

    love, the ponies
