14 January 2010


Sometimes it takes a personal setback to realize what you might have lost, but more importantly, what you have.

Many of you know that I had surgery on Wednesday to (finally) repair my knee injury, which had been plaguing me since mid-August. For the record: yes, I know that I should have gotten it checked out then but I honestly didn't think it was as serious as a torn meniscus that required surgery. Thanks to the miracle of social networking, I posted updates on facebook because it was easier to keep everyone updated this way, rather than fielding multiple phone calls, e-mails and texts. Besides, isn't that what social networking is for, on some level anyway?

In dealing with setbacks you learn who your true friends are. I don't expect everyone to read everything in their newsfeed, nor to I expect the fb world to revolve around me (as nice as it may be for a time). For the better part of last decade, I spent a lot of time with a group of people who I thought were good friends -- honestly, I thought many of these people would be lifelong friends. However, a vast majority have not even checked in to see how I was doing with this setback...or even about life in general. I'll be truthful; it hurts. I felt there was a bond but maybe I should come to realize it was all a facade.

That being said, I'm fortunate to have a network of amazing friends who have been more than willing to help me out (schedules permitting, of course). This, quite frankly, floored me. I didn't realize that so many people would jump in and offer to help. Aside from the good thoughts, prayers, karma, well wishes, etc., they have volunteered to drive me places, bring me books, entertain me on fb or IM, bring me food...you name it, they've been there.

I also learned a valuable lesson in all this: be happy for what you have, and don't lament about what you don't. I am truly grateful for all my friends. A simple "thank you" doesn't seem like enough, but thank you for being there. You really have no idea how much it means.

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