24 November 2010

cki disconnect: pop culture style

If you read this blog, you know I'm no longer CKI Administrator. And I'm finally ok with that. Regardless of circumstance, I would not be serving in that capacity today.

But for fun, let's take a look at why I would not fit in as the current CKI Administrator, pop culture style:

Glee obsession.
I fail to see why people are obsessed with this show. The concept : geeks join together and forge a bond and thus create their own clique. Wow...this is a novel concept...let's run with it! Not. It can be found in any sitcom or drama about and/or relating to high school students. Plus, for me high school was not a fun and joyous time nor the best years of my life. Why the hell would I want to live them vicariously through a TV show? Add to it that I'm not a fan of musicals in general - sans Rocky Horror Picture Show and a couple others.

Which begs the questions:
why would anyone attempt to destroy a wonderful cult classic?
what high school would actually allow the theatre department to perform RHPS?

Harry Potter fanatics.
You can tell me the books are well written. You can also tell me green beans are good for me. But if I have no interest in it or don't like them, it's just not happening. Period. I enjoy some sci-fi...Star Wars anyone? I can even go for the Matrix. When it crosses the line into fantasy, you've lost me. I have no interest at all. And with a HP themed fall trainer, everyone's fantasy would have been my hell.

However, I will give Harry Potter props for one thing: getting kids & teens to read. Beyond that, Harry should just graduate or (gasp) die. I am sick of you.

I went to Disney World twice - at age 7 and 17. In my second trip, I called Dale of Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Chip. Dale then proceeded to whap me on the nose. I was assaulted by a giant chipmunk. I really wasn't a huge Disney fan growing up, but this event certainly didn't help.
But these CKIers love Disney - about as much as Glee and Harry Potter. And it's not just the movies; it's the music too.

Now, I will admit I like two recent Disney movies: The Lion King and The Three Musketeers. The only explanation I can give for the former is that I'm a Leo and Jeremy Irons is the voice of Scar. I love Jeremy Iron's voice. The latter is actually one of my favorite literary classics. Plus, it's not a musical. And Oliver Platt is freakin' hysterical as Porthos.

There's a lot of pop music to be listened to. While I know who Justin Beiber is, I have no idea what he actually sings. And as a whole, I think most of the American Idol finalists sucked, and most pop music as crap. There is also a lot of 80s music to be listened to. As a point of reference, the average college student is 18-22 years old, thus being born 1988-1992. These college kids weren't even around to remember the 80s, let alone the music. It's almost frightening that they know all the words to Rick Springfield's "Jessie's Girl" yet barely any words to Guns 'n Roses "Welcome to the Jungle".

While I do listen to the 80s on occasion (read: when my iPod plays it) and admittedly still know the words to far to many "one hit wonders" - my preferred decades are the 1990s through today, alternative genre. I've always been an alternative music girl, so I'll chalk up the difference in music tastes to that.

And in closing, I leave you with a telltale example of the CKI pop culture disconnect:
On one board CD, a number of folks chose a song from the 1980s or an American Idol contestant. I chose Rage Against the Machine's "Renegades of Funk".

Enough said.

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