28 June 2011

subway, i hardly knew yee...

As of late, I have "liked" quite a few pages on facebook regarding American Staffordshire & American Pit Bull Terriers.  Yes, Caye is an AmStaff (and an adorable one at that as evidenced below).

Many of these sites focus on the fostering and rescuing of these "bully breeds".  Mostly, they share success stories.  I  admire all those who dedicate their lives to foster and/or find "forever homes" for this breed - and for any dog for that matter.  If I could, I would take every single one of those pups home with me.  However, there are also stories about dogs being euthanized, etc. for one reason or another (usually no one to take them in).  After reading those stories, I get teary-eyed (at work, no less).  My co-workers now think I have really bad allergies this year.

And once in a while, the topics of BSL - Breed Specific Legislation (which is evil - "punish the deed not the breed") and Michael Vick resurfaces.  This time it was the latter.  On Sunday at the BET Awards, Vick was awarded the Subway Sportsman of the Year award.

I'm sure you have at least heard about Michael Vick and his dogfighting ring - which consisted of American Pitbull Terriers (APBTs).  If not, you can read this article to get up to speed.

This has prompted a petition entitled:  Say No To Subway.

Yes, I like Subway.  I love my dog.  And Jimmy John's will suffice.  If you feel so inclined you can sign the petition here.

I did.  I also felt compelled to share my comment along with my signature:

As an owner of an American Staffordshire/American Pit Bull Terrier, I cannot believe anyone would give a "sportsman" award to someone who committed such heinous acts against animals.  Yes, Vick had a great year athletically - he served his time and should be able to continue his career.  However, the term "sportsman" has come to be defined as more than athletic prowess.  It also pertains to conduct, attitude and overall good character on AND off the friend including fair play and courtesy – none of which Vick displayed off the field whilst funding (and other involvement) Bad Newz Kennels.  

I was a frequent Subway patron.  However,  I cannot support a company who bestows an honor upon an individual who does not emulate the traits of “sportsmanship”.

I do realize not everyone feels the same way about AmStaffs/APBTs as I do.  However, after meeting and interacting with Cayenne, most people tend to think of him as a happy, friendly, well-behaved dog and are shocked that is indeed an AmStaffs/APBT (thank you negative media coverage).  More importantly, most at least consider the fact that all "bully breed" dogs are not evil.  

Although it is not (and never was) my intent with him - Caye is indeed a great ambassador for his breed.  But really...how can you not love this guy?

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