26 July 2011

keep your post to yourself

A recent Facebook post:
Can anyone tell me why it is so hard to pray, but easy to swear? Why gangs are growing and churches are shrinking? Why it is so hard to re-post a Christian status, but easy to post gossip? Why we can worship a celebrity, but not Jesus? Gonna ignore this? The Lord said, if you deny Me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my Father. Re-Post if you're not afraid of what your friends will think.

People are entitled to their own beliefs (even if I don't necessarily agree); and I am also entitled to mine.  However, when it comes to the topic of religion it is the skeptics, non-believers and those questioning their faith who are often ostracized by the religious right for their beliefs.  Yes, someone has every right to post and believe in the above - thanks to the First Amendment.  In turn, I have the same right to disagree with and refute the above, so I will.

Can anyone tell me why it is so hard to pray, but easy to swear? 
In my case, yes I can.  I don't pray.  To be honest, I never did.  All those times growing up when I was supposed to be praying in church (such as after communion), I was people watching; often making mental notes of hideous outfits and seeing if I knew anyone.  Years later, I do the exact same thing when I attend Christmas mass with my mom (which I now view as part of my Christmas gift to her).  

The whole concept of prayer somewhat astounds me.  How can someone ask for help, guidance or anything  to an entity that may or may not exist?  If you need or want something, shouldn't you do everything in YOUR power to achieve it?  On some level, I view praying as a version of "passing the buck".  What I mean by that is some people "leave it up to God" and make no real effort on their part to achieve the end goal, or any effort to improve themselves.  This is not to say that everyone who prays does this - I know plenty of people who do pray and are quite industrious and ambitious in their efforts. But to not take full responsibility for your choices and your life seems quite juvenile. 

As for the easy to swear part, I find swearing somewhat therapeutic at times (i.e. when I totally botch a set at volleyball).  Plus "fuck" is one of the most versatile words in the American English language.
Why it is so hard to re-post a Christian status, but easy to post gossip? 
This is easy to answer.  First, I have always viewed religion to be a private matter.  What you believe is fine and good, but for fuck's sake (note the versatility), I don't need to know about it.  And it seems those who are the most adamant about shouting their beliefs from the rooftops are the ones trying to compensate for something else - perhaps their "unChristian-like" behaviors.  That could be another blog entirely (and likely will be in the future).  In reality, I cannot tell you the religious belief (or lack of) of most my friends.  Honestly, I really don't care what your beliefs are - until you attempt to shove your beliefs down my throat.  Overall, my more religious friends have been good about not over-broadcasting their beliefs - although the posting of these status messages are pushing the line, in my opinion.

Second, if you're not Christian - and trust me not everyone is, despite what you may be led to believe - it's damn easy not to re-post (or post) a Christian status. And as a side note, why don't the Jewish feel compelled to post a Jewish status?

Third, I may enjoy gossip but I do not post it on Facebook or any other social media outlet. 

Why we can worship a celebrity, but not Jesus? 
The act of worship is to show reverence and adoration for a deity; or to treat (someone or something) with the reverence and adoration appropriate to a deity.  Essentially, putting them on a pedestal.  Yes, it is true that some people do worship celebrities, but that is not the norm (and on some level, these said people might need some professional help).  While I may admire some celebrities for their talent and/or using their clout to promote the greater good or causes I believe in, it's not worship.  Of course, this is presuming Jesus did indeed exist.  If not, how is worshiping an "idea" any worse than worshiping a celebrity?  At least the celebrity as a living, breathing human being that indeed exists.

The Lord said, if you deny Me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my Father.
Going out on a limb, I guessing this is stated in the Bible.  However, Christianity (as well as other religions) tend to pick and choose what scripture to follow.  For example, the Bible also states the punishment for adultery is the stoning the "guilty" party on his/her front porch.  I personally did not do it (as fun as it might have been), nor do I see it as a common punishment in this day and age.  

At a place of employment, you can't pick and choose what responsibilities you decide to fulfill; you need to perform ALL of them.  Shouldn't it be the same for a religion? 

Re-Post if you're not afraid of what your friends will think.
I am sure some will be angered or offended by this train of thought.  However, I'm not afraid of what my friends think...that's why I wrote this blog.

And as you can see, it was WAY to long to post in a status message or note.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should totally post this in a note! Honestly, I don't mind reposting the various warm-and-fuzzy challenges because the one time I don't, will be the time that the heavens would have dumped a million dollars on my head. So, must think of the ponies :)
