27 October 2010

the skinny

A strange phenomenon has happened in my life in the past month...people have referred to me as "skinny". If you feel so inclined to reference my being benny post, you might have picked up that I find this extremely weird.

The first inkling appeared in mid-August at a volleyball game at Tracks. Two team members said it looked like I had lost weight. I just brushed it off, rationalizing that it was summer and since I'm outside more I was tan, thus appearing thinner. Whatever.

Enter the month of October. I went home to Maryland for my cousin's wedding - or as I like to call it, an excuse to see my nephews (oh, and those people who take care of them) - early in the month. I'm standing in my brother's kitchen - probably drinking a beer - and out of nowhere he asks, "Hey Bec, have your lost weight?" I respond with a "deer in headlights" look, as I don't think my brother has ever asked that question (well, to me anyway). Truth be told, I couldn't really answer the question as I firmly believe "scale" is a dirty five-letter word and borderline satanic. But I did think he needed his eyeglasses checked.

On this excursion home, of course I had to go into DC, visit the Washington Monument and take photos (even if it looks the same EVERY time). Upon my return to Milwaukee I posted these and other photos on facebook, per usual. I go volleyball the following Monday, and one of my teammates who viewed the photos commented "I like the photos...and you look so skinny." Huh? The conversation then gravitated to how my teammates usually see me in shorts (which I am not attractive in. At all.), t-shirt and XL sweatshirt. Thus, when I wear "real" clothes, you can actually tell I have a waist. This prompted me to slam my beer. Really? We're in a bar. Can't we talk about football or the douchy vball team we were about to play?

Last week I was at a "Swap Party" (aka "One persons trash is another person's treasure" - everyone brings stuff we want to get rid of and we kind of go through it to see if we want anything. The "leftovers" are donated) and the host told me I was getting smaller - ironically I was stuffing my face with cheese and beer at the time. So I start to look through the clothes and find a few tops. I try them on, determine I want them, etc. Then I look at the size. Medium. I can actually fit into a medium. And today, my dress pants that used to barely fit are actually loose. Shocking I know.

Maybe it's the vball, 5x/week PT exercises and daily 3 mile walks with the pup; because I know I don't eat any better (exhibited by the mozz sticks, nachos and beer I considered dinner last night). And maybe this giving up the soda (sans diet white soda) was a good idea. Whatever. It's weird.

Honestly, I still think y'all are on crack. However, I'll accept the compliments and reply with a heartfelt "thank you".

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