18 January 2011

last words

As of late, I have discovered the TV show "How I Met Your Mother". Yes, I ask myself why I didn't start watching sooner. Last night's episode was entitled "Last Words". The premise was that Marshall's father passed away suddenly. His mother and brothers spoke of what his father's last words to them, while Marshall struggled to remember what his father's last words to him were. Yes hilarity did ensue down his path of recollection, but it did get me thinking about loved ones last words to me.

The first two people I thought of are Grandmom and Granddad, who passed away in 2009 and 1998 respectively.

I'm told I adored Granddad as a kid. I remember him taking me to my first Orioles game and teaching me about baseball in general. (And yes, you can partially blame him for me being a Cubs fan.) Granddad didn't say much, so I can't think of his last words to me directly. I can, however, recall his last words about me on Christmas Day 1997 (in response to my second cousin nailing me in my newly-pierced navel with a Nerf gun): "Don't mess with Bec. She's a tough cookie."

I've never though of myself as tough, but when I'm going through a difficult time, I remember those words and it helps me through.

Similar to Granddad, I don't recall Grandmom's last words to me specifically. What stands out in memory is my phone conversation on Mother's Day 2006. She was telling me stories about her and Granddad's day trips to Milwaukee from Chicago back in the day and how she liked Milwaukee a lot. Then she suddenly asked, "Do you still draw? You have such creative talents. You should be using them."

Oddly enough, a month later I made a career switch and started my first marketing/graphic design job. While those definitely weren't her last words, they're the last words I vividly remember (and obviously stuck with me).

Then there are Mom and Dad, who thankfully, are both alive and kicking.

The good thing is that I no longer hang up on my mother when she pisses me off (although I think that was a college/early 20s phase). Maybe she really doesn't piss me off anymore, or maybe I've matured. Either way, I actually enjoy talking to Mom weekly, with the last words of every conversation being, "Love you."

It seems only fitting that I end with Dad, based upon the HIMYM episode. I don't talk to Dad nearly as often as I used to, which I miss, but I know he'll be there if I need him (as will Mom). In fact, the last time I actually talked to him was when he dropped me off at the airport.

But I remember the last words: "Love you sweetie."

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