04 August 2010


Oh facebook...the things you have us think about. I originally intended to post this list there as a note. However, this list turned into something a little more than random facts so I felt more comfortable posting it here. Plus, since it’s my blog I knocked it down to 24 facts, because 24 is divisible by 8 – my lucky number. Makes sense to me…

  1. I have been a vegetarian twice in my life - once in college, once two years ago - which ended due to me being anemic both times. The irony is that only like about ½ of the vegetables created especially the weird, unliked by the populous types (turnips, parsnips, beets, etc.) However, the only fruit I don’t like are oranges.
  2. That being said, my food tastes/preferences could be described as “junk food junkie” or “kiddie menu”. Chicken nuggets and fries are a totally acceptable meal at any time; same goes for diet Dew and Doritos. I will (and have) argued that Doritos can be considered a health food, and diet Dew contains concentrated orange juice so that counts as a fruit, right?
  3. My math SAT score was 720. This may explain why I can quickly do math in my head but doesn’t explain why I don’t like math. It may also explain why I’m cerebral when it comes to playing/watching sports because I sure won’t outrun anybody.
  4. With football, I’m more interested in watching the defense than the offense. I just find it more intriguing while others find it strange, but I find there’s more strategy in defense. This may also explain why I’m a Bears fan…Monsters of the Midway baby!
  5. I lack the attention span to watch most long movies (over 2 hours) but, for some reason, have no problem watching a whole (3 hour plus) baseball game, even when the Cubs are getting shellacked.
  6. Speaking of movies, I have never seen Gone With the Wind or Casablanca and probably won’t unless I’m “forced” to do so. However, if it’s an Adam Sandler flick, I’ve likely seen it. More than once. Even Little Nicky, as bad as it was.
  7. I cannot work or read in complete silence. There needs to be background noise. In other words, I need distraction to be effective. My ability to multi-task is unparallel, much like my attraction to shiny things.
  8. I say the word “fuck” a lot. It doesn’t make me a bad person. Deal with it.
  9. Most of my favorite musical artists hail from Canada. I’ll call it the “Adams factor” as I was a rabid Bryan Adams fan as a kid. Still a fan, just not nearly as rabid…actually I don’t know when I last listened to him. However, Billy Talent, Alexisonfire and Tragically Hip (all Canadian) came on my iPod this morning.
  10. My current vehicle is old enough to buy its own beer. I think Clyde would be a PBR kind of guy, either that or a flaming shot.
  11. The sheer stupidity and/or ignorance of most drivers amazes me. As a result, I only drive when necessary and successfully (for the most part) convince others to drive if we’re going somewhere.
  12. If Milwaukee had a better (read: more expansive and less expensive) public transportation system, I likely would not own a car. If you need to know why, see #11.
  13. I am of German, Polish, English and Irish descent; but most people think I’m Italian. I have also passed for Spanish, Dutch and English – at least I’m one of those! Yet I don’t get mistaken for being German even though I’m ½ German. My mom and brother, on the other hand, are undeniably German.
  14. Outside of the USA, I have set foot in Germany more than any other country. Sadly, the only German I know consists of greetings and insults which means I can effectively say “Good day, shithead”. Thanks Mom!
  15. Bad grammar in facebook status messages annoys me. Oh fuck, bad grammar annoys me in general – especially when supposedly intelligent people engage in this practice. It’s to the point where I actually want to write a comment correcting their grammar.
  16. Aside from grammar and alphabetizing CDs/DVDs, I’m not an anal retentive person. Some people might consider me messy and my desk a work hazard. I refer to it as an “organized mess”. I can find something when you ask for it, so don’t mess up my filing system.
  17. Although I’m not religious, I find the connection between religion, culture and society fascinating.
  18. I would take a beer in a bar over a cosmo in a club almost anyway. Sure, I don’t mind dressing up and going to the clubs on occasion…but nothing beats hanging out with friends at a local watering hole.
  19. Little/trivial things get me frustrated, but I’m usually calm in the middle of a shitstorm. Case in point…a couple weeks ago my credit card didn’t work while attempting to order a pizza (due to being cancelled due to a fraud alert). However, when my car overheated on I94…I was calm and focused on the situation at hand. I really have no valid explanation for this behavior.
  20. As a child, I had buck teeth, coke-bottle glasses, afro hair and a chunky build – not the picture of cuteness. At all. Don’t believe my dad, he had to say that I was pretty, cute, etc. Thanks to nine years of orthodontic, contacts and anti-frizz serum from John Freida I don’t look like a freak of nature (yet still linebacker-esque in stature). However, I still see that kid inside and really don’t think I’m pretty, cute, etc. At least I’ve learned to say “thank you” in response to a compliment, even if I don’t believe it most of the time…
  21. I have no first cousins on my mom’s side of the family, and I’m not really close to the first cousins on my dad’s side; thus when people are close to their cousins it’s a foreign concept to me. Then again, I don’t really have anything in common with my cousins.
  22. Along the same lines, I’m always felt like the “black sheep” with my dad’s family due to a number of reasons including political persuasion, current geographic location and career field. I come home 2-3 times/year and it’s not like anyone (aside from the parentals, bro, sis-in-law & nephews) really seem to care one way or another…yet they feel I should live in Maryland. Aside from the aforementioned family, the only other family member who “got it” was Grandmom.
  23. The whole CKI situation from April 2009 still gets to me, despite talking and blogging about it. It hurts that a majority of the people who once cared and were a significant part of my life don’t give a fuck anymore. Don’t get me wrong, there are some with whom I still keep in touch (you know who you are and thank you!) They say time heals all wounds, but it’s making it difficult for me to become involved with the K-Family again.
  24. I often don’t ask for help even if I need it. This is in part due to being independent/stubborn and the belief I can do it myself; if I can’t I feel like I failed in some way. It’s also in part that I don’t expect people to actually help. However, I’m always appreciative if you do help me.

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