16 August 2010

undo the dew

Anyone who's known me any length of time knows I can usually be found with a diet Dew in hand. I joke that if you cut me open, you would find this delicious caffeinated, carbonated beverage running through my veins. However, I really don't think it's far from the truth.

That's somewhat frightening, isn't it?

What everyone doesn't know is that I've tried to kick the diet Dew habit...more than once. Perhaps the most drastic of attempts included hypnotism in 2004 - which actually did work for about six months. I credit this in part to working for my chiropractor and working at the front desk. It's hard to promote a healthy lifestyle while chugging something wholly unhealthy, and hypocrisy doesn't work well with me. The other part? Brady (the hypnotist) reminding me how bad Dew was for my body any chance he got. Not that I was afraid of his wrath, but why subject myself to it?

Then I changed fields and started working at CK, and that whole six months went out the window. A couple of half-hearted attempts have transpired since then, but nothing worth writing home about.

Well, it just might be time to kick, or at least greatly minimize, the diet Dew habit. And maybe if I share it with the "world" on the interwebs, I just might be successful.

Only one diet Dew today so far....

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