05 May 2011

nine months in....

Well, give or take a few days.  In nine months, I could have given birth.  But I guess trying to reach your goals is somewhat like giving birth - a long, painful process but worth it in the end.

So, with that being said here's the long awaited update...yeah right. (if you feel so inclined, you can compare it to the six-month check-up):

  • promote/develop my freelance design "business" (using that term loosely) - I am convinced this will always be a work in progress.  The  rjl creative now has writing samples but still needs photos.  And a web graphics section. But I did get a freelance job...AND a part-time Director of Communications gig with Southeastern Wisconsin Arts Guild.  It's a start, but looking for more.  So if you know anyone that needs a graphics/communications person....(yes, my shameless plug).
  • a MacBook -  If anyone would like to purchase one for me, it would be much appreciated. However, I think I should pay off my vein surgery bill first.  Donations accepted.
  • take more photographs (those of the artsy, landscape variety) - I took photos of my dog.  He's cute.  Yet, Cayenne would not be considered a landscape.  Rumor has it spring is coming soon so this could change. 
  • learn to play bass - I'm seriously beginning to question why I put this down as a goal.  I may have forgotten what a bass looks like.
  • catch up with friends I haven't seen much in the past year -Yeah!  I'm doing this...thanks to to modern miracles of technology...plus the wonders of  Mexican food, Miller Park and alcohol.
  • keep in touch with friends I actually see - I would like to thank Baker's Square, Brady Street, Wrigleyville and Tracks Tavern (oh, and beer) for making this possible.  I'll even see the hashers on 21 May....it might be warm enough to be hashing by then.
  • visit friends in faraway places - specifically those in Florida, Arizona and Connecticut - who I keep promising I'll visit - Chicago is not considered a far away place, but I love it anyway.  Arizona bottomed out as the plane tix were too pricey for my liking.  I've heard nothing about Philly, and haven't even thought about Florida or Connecticut.  However, I might be going to North Carolina in September. 
  • teleportation to see said friends and my nephews more often - Can anyone help me with this?  Please? 
  • travel internationally without my mom - Aaah. 
  • the adapter thingie that allows you to use your iPod in the car - It still works!  I particularly like listening to Ramstein's "Du Hast" as I drive through the ghetto.
  • a Wii Fit - I changed this to a LCD-TV...and I got one!  Woo-hoo!  
  • lose that last 20 lbs - Scale is an evil five-letter word and I will never like what it says.  Period.  However, I started boot camp ten weeks ago and recently realized I now have some semblance of ab muscles.  And I still wear a medium in some clothes.  
  • manage my finances more effectively - If if wasn't for that damn $2700 bill that stupid insurance won't cover (because it's not deemed medically necessary... I call bs), I'd be doing better.  But still not bad.
  • actually watch some shows I've DVRed -  I'm still really bad at this.  However, I watched two DVRed shows last night.
  • become more involved with the K-Family again - I just have to pay my dues...but I got an e-mail welcoming me back!  Hoping to make it to a service project in the near future.  However, the CKI segment still continues to think I never existed.
  • world peace (sorry I had to) - The death of Bin Laden won't bring world peace, but it eventually make the world a bit safer.  To manipulate a religion to spread a propaganda of hate is just wrong.
  • instead of complaining about something, do something to change it - Ok, I still complain...but then I work on changing it. Yes, this is the same as six months ago.
  • give up diet Dew - I seriously have not had any deit Dew.  But, I'm known to drink a diet Coke on occasion (or a rum & coke).  And sometimes coffee.  However as a former twelve-pack a day dewaholic, I'm still impressed. 
And happy cinco de mayo!


  1. when i saw the title i was wondering if you had news! :)

  2. don't scare me like that!!!
